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For the first time I have a thorough content strategy and I know which platforms I want to utilise for my business, rather than spreading myself thinly and then not achieving any of them. It also gave me a lot of food for thought for how I can grow the business and that visibility through avenues I hadn't considered before. There's no one else out there who teaches with such integrity and provides you with the knowledge you need to grow your business.

Amanda Hutchinson
Visible Student

Without Visible, I would still be lost in overwhelmed at what I thought I needed to do and not making progress. I've made massive steps in my business and in my mindset since starting the visible course and it's all down to what Lisa has done, I can't thank her enough. I'd say do it, it may be a big investment, but what you get from it will be life/business changing.

Becki Vowles
Visible Student

If you like no nonsense, step by step guidance that gets results, don't hesitate to get in Lisa's world. It gave me a strategy and accountability and I am still working on many of the aspects. More enquiries from individuals, more group members and more importantly companies are approaching me for talks An immediate win I had was I asked for double my usual rate for a talk and got it. And they came to me!

Lucy Woods
Visible Student